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Helpful resources for Pressure Sores, Bed Sores, Decubitus Ulcers

Overview & Symtoms of bedsores, pressure sores, decubitis ulcers







  • Sores - interactive tutorial (Patient Education Institute)

  • Also available in Spanish


          Videos + Guides

  • Pressure Ulcers (Beth Israel Medical Center, Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care)

  • Video Explanation ( Healthbyte)

  • Guide: Preventing & Caring Pressure Sores (Detailed guide for nurses and caregivers


         Clinical Trials: Pressure Sores, Bedsores

  • Pressure Ulcer(National Institutes of Health)



  • Find a Dermatologist(American Academy of Dermatology)

  • Find a Wound Nurse in Your Area (Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society)



  • Pressure Ulcers Among Nursing Home Residents: United States, (National Center for Health Statistics)


         Legal: Pressure Sores/Bedsores:

Helpful Legal Tips:

   Take note of the response you get from the hospital. Are they trying to deny responsibility? Make note of their comments and if they have noticed the bedsores before you did. Of course, the primary thing for you to do is make sure they are providing treatment. Not just a from an aide. Demand to see a wound care specialist if necessary. 

Take pictures -- as bedsores can progress rapidly. They will prove useful if you have a valid bedsore lawsuit. Disregard someone who tells you you're not allowed. To find out your options call us for a free consultation. A bedsore lawyer will review your case for no cost. If we litigate a bedsore lawsuit for you there is no fee unless we win you a large settlement. All calls are confidential.

Read my articles about Bed Sores:
bedsore lawyer, bedsore law firm
bedsore lawyer, bedsore law firm, can you sue
Bedsore treatment, lawsuits
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A Free Consultation is just a phone call away:

1-212-268-8200 or 1-800-278-2960

Bedsores • Decubitis Ulcers • Pressure Sores


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