Introducing our Visiting Lawyer Services from Raphan Law Partners, LLP

Why we started our Visiting Lawyer Services. As an elder law firm we take great pride in helping seniors and their families with their legal needs and making the process efficient, comfortable and convenient.
For many elder clients that live in an assisted living facility, nursing home, or even being cared for in an apartment, mobility is often an issue. Many do not travel while Covid is still a risk, and many do not have the ability to use video technology such as Zoom.
But that shouldn't keep them from getting the best legal care.
With our Visiting Lawyer Services, coordinating transportation, or aides, is no longer necessary to meet with one of our attorneys.
What legal services are provided? Most of the services that we handle in our law office can be handled at your place.
For example; signing or revising of your Will, Living Will, Health Care Proxy, Estate Planning, Medicaid Planning, or setting up a Trust. ​ If witnesses are needed for signing documents we also arrange for them to be with us. Other family members or loved ones may be present if relevant to the legal matter or just if you'd like their input as well.
Same lawyers, same law firm, same excellent results.
If coming to our office is not an option for you, don't worry. We can handle your legal needs in the same professional and efficient way that we do in our NYC office at 7 Penn Plaza.
You remain in the comfort of your home, apartment or nursing facility and we’ll bring all the necessary documents.
While visiting, we comply with all Covid protocols and all attorneys are fully vaccinated.
For more information on how our Visiting Lawyer Services can help, feel free to call me at 212-268-8200, or contact me here>
- Brian A. Raphan, Esq.
VLS is available in New York City and the boroughs based on availability.