​​​You need Trial Attorneys that are experts in bedsore cases and can help you and your loved one get the financial compensation and justice you deserve.
Call now for a free consultation at 212-268-8200 or email for a quick response.
bedsores@ RaphanLaw.com

A Free Consultation is just a phone call away: 212-268-8200
​Financial compensation $ for your loved one.
"You may have a significant bedsore lawsuit against a hospital or Nursing Home if you or a loved one are the victims of negligence or malpractice. Bedsores can be painful and deadly and there are federal laws in place to protect you. "
Bedsores are often a sign of neglect and can be the result of hospital malpractice, nurse malpractice or nursing home negligence. It is simply not acceptable that they should happen while a person is at a facility in the care of professionals. Sadly, bedsores are the underlying cause of death for several thousand Americans each year. They are not the fault of the patient. The patient is a victim.
Medical negligence by a hospital, doctor, nurse, aide or medical technician is unacceptable and may cause pain, suffering or death to the patient. Give us a call to find out if you have or lawsuit, or if you prefer come in for a free consultation at our offices in New York City. Our experience bedsore lawyers will review your case for free. There is no fee unless we win a financial award.
With aggressive trial counsel we have been awarded tens of millions of dollars for bedsore victims.
What are Bedsores?
Bedsores, also called pressure sores, pressure ulcers, or decubitus ulcers, are areas of damaged skin and tissue that develop when sustained pressure - usually from lying in a bed or sitting in a wheelchair - cuts off circulation to vulnerable parts of your body. Bedsores are preventable and not the fault of the victim. Essentially, when people who are entrusted with the care of those who are unable to move themselves shirk their responsibilities, then the immobile develop bedsores. Without adequate blood flow, which would occur in the turning and moving a person's body, the affected tissue dies and an ulcerated sore develops.
Bedsores can develop quickly, progress rapidly and are often difficult to heal. Caring for them can cost into the tens of thousand of dollars. Often, due to the lower staffing in nursing homes, patients are forced to wait longer for care, such as simply being turned in a bed, or the changing of soiled linens and clothes. If an elder cannot change themselves then they are forced to sit or lay in their own urine until a caregiver arrives. While the elderly wait, their skin is being weakened by the moisture making them susceptible to bedsores. Health experts agree that bedsores do not have to occur. Preventive measures are your legal right and can maintain the skin's integrity and health with proper blood flow. It is the duty of a nursing home or hospital to follow proper procedures to prevent them.
If you have a loved one in a nursing home, hospital or other care facility, check that person's skin condition and general care every time you visit.
Click here for information on treatment.
If you notice any sign of bedsores or neglect, alert the nursing staff and attending physician or nursing home director immediately. Be persistent, because if the administration and staff are slow to respond your loved one could develop life threatening bedsores. Bedsores are a sign of neglect!
If you have a loved one who is being neglected your first step is to correct the situation. Do what is in the best interests of the patient, not the hospital or nursing home. If that's difficult for you to handle we can help. Do not be intimidated or frustrated by staff members lack of help. Stopping the progression is your priority. If unsure how to handle the conversation with staff call us and we'll guide you through it. Also, to see if you have a valid bedsore / pressure sore lawsuit or simply to find out your options for care, call us for a free consultation. All calls are confidential.
Or use our Online Bedsore Lawsuit Evaluator.
Bedsore Trial Attorneys.
Find out your rights and options today without any obligation. Our affiliated malpractice attorneys have successfully litigated hundreds of case and won tens of millions of dollars for clients. There are no fees unless our we win financial compensation for you. We pride ourselves on our expertise and personal attention for clients. You will not get lost in the shuffle.
We are a hands on New York firm with dedicated bedsore legal teams that have the patient's best interest at heart. Call now and see if you have a case that may get you a large financial award and the justice you deserve! 212-268-8200.
Once our bedsore team assesses your case for free, if we decide you have a case that can be won, there will be no fee to you to pursue. We work on a contingency basis and the fee comes from any monies awarded.